We’ve been keeping a secret…
We are so excited to announce that I’M PREGNANT with baby #2!!!! I just entered my second trimester today (week 13) and couldn’t wait to share our news!
We feel so incredibly blessed. We finally decided we were ready to expand our family and it only took us two months to be successful! This was amazing to us, since it took us 11 months to get pregnant with Lillian! We are all so excited…even Lillian understands it, and she cheers whenever we say “You’re going to be a big sister!” “YAY!!” She screams and throws her arms up and then claps her hands! She loves kids and babies…we already know what an exceptionally loving big sister she’s going to be!
I took a pregnancy test on Dec. 20th, early in the morning. I was so giddy and excited to see it pop up with the word “pregnant”!! Lillian actually woke up as I was about to come back to bed, and she cried to “see Mama” so Josh carried her over to the bathroom. How Josh found out is I greeted Lillian with “Hi Big Sister!” Oh Josh was so excited too! We told my parents by surprising them with this “Big Sister” shirt that Lillian is wearing! They were so thrilled and emotional! They asked “Really?!” when they realized what the shirt said!! I loved it! That’s how Josh’s mom reacted when we told her too, with the same shirt! We saved telling everyone else until Christmas Day…we had Josh make an announcement before Dad said the prayer. Josh said “We actually haveΒ a giftΒ for the whole family, but you can’t see it yet…” and I finished with “…because it will be deliveredΒ in nine months!” Everyone was so excited!!
We’ve had our first ultrasound already. Here’s our second beautiful baby!
We just couldn’t be happier! Well actually, I could be happier…I am suffering from the same exact extreme 24/7 nausea that I experienced while pregnant with Lillian. π Oh how I wish I could ever experience a pregnancy where I felt GOOD! It’s just not to be. But at least this time I know it will be over when I deliver the placenta. Oh so long from now. Sigh. Baby is due August 28, 2013.
We are just so excited! Thank you God!