A new bird we’ve seen this year
We’ve been getting a new bird to our yard this winter – the Lawrence’s Goldfinch. Its only habitat is some of California and a little at the top of Mexico. So it’s great to get to see them here! They forage on the ground under our feeders full of nyjer and sunflower seeds, and they crowd the feeders, too! They’ve also been particularly brave…Josh watched one land on my head one cold day while I had the hood on my hooded sweatshirt up! They also love our new little pond. They’ll even sit at the edge of the tiny waterfall to drink. See more about the Lawrence’s Goldfinch at this site.

Below are also the Lesser Goldfinches that we get a lot of, and American Goldfinches that we get sometimes too.

Sorry about the poor quality of the photos; they were taken through the glass of our front window!