Sometimes nature sucks.
Since all of our vegetation has been gone in the yard, we haven’t seen too many of our creatures that we usually get, besides our various stray cat friends we feed (Lupin, Padfoot, Remus, and Ginny), and all of the birds we feed. Lately though, we’ve been seeing more and more lizards coming back. We saw a large alligator lizard the other day (in the process of growing back a new tail),

and today we saw a poor lizard that couldn’t move his back legs. 🙁 We gave him a cardboard box to hide in, and poured a bottle-cap full of water for him and placed him in one of our planters that has plants in it that he can hide in. He squirmed UNDER the box we gave him, but at least he feels secure. Poor thing. We’ll check on him tomorrow. EDITED 03/13/10: POOR LITTLE GUY DIDN’T MAKE IT. 🙁 Just so you know, too, we took this picture while he was still alive. We had hopes he would get better. Sometimes you wish you didn’t get creatures in your yard. Sigh.