Happy Birthday, Mom!
Today is my Mom’s birthday! We wish her the best and happiest of days! 🙂 On Sunday we will get to see her and my Dad and the rest of the family too. It’ll be a combined birthday party for her and for my nieces Makayla and Alyssa. It will also be a welcome-home party for my brother George. (He returned this week from spending three weeks in India for his job.) It will be great to see family again; it sure feels like it’s been a while.

Josh and I spent all day out in the yard today, and we are so exhausted. Josh mowed our new lawn for the first time…he did a great job; it’s beautiful and I LOVE the smell of freshly-mown grass!
We also scrubbed out our pond and put a layer of small rocks on the bottom and on the flagstone shelf. We refilled the water and added a dechlorinator, and tomorrow we will add some beneficial bacteria. I put in a miniature cattail, a water iris, and a water lily so far as well. I hope they grow soon.
Josh also dug out our final two holes in our orchard. We planted the two peaches (minus the double delight nectarine we never found. 🙁 ) in one hole, and the two pears in the other hole. Josh also set up the drip irrigation to the apples and pears so far, and tomorrow we’ll work on the rest.
We still have so many of our existing and new plants to put in the ground. It’s already been so exhausting and we have so much more to go. <sigh> We are going to love it when it’s all finished, though!