More planting, first picture of a woodpecker, and seeing a hummingbird’s nest!
Today was spent outside planting, yet again. We had a break for a couple of days this week due to the rain, but for the most part we’ve been spending most days outside digging and planting. We are so sore and tired these days! We’re slowly but surely getting there on the landscaping. With emphasis on the SLOWLY!
While we were planting out by the gate, we heard the drilling of a woodpecker. We had heard that off and on while living here, but we’ve never gotten any pictures of it or seen it clearly. Today we saw no less than three or four woodpeckers all flying and hanging out together! I was able to get video clips and some photos. Here are the pics:

We went to my brother George’s house today to look at a couple of trees that are growing there wild (birds must have planted them!), to see if we wanted them for our yard. They are gorgeous trees; we’re not sure what they are. The first one George thinks might be an Alder, I think he said. As I was taking photos of them, we discovered that a hummingbird had built a nest in one of the trees! It was so tiny and cute! The momma hummer came and sat on a nearby bush to wait for us to leave her area. There are no eggs as of yet in the nest…hopefully she will lay them soon! George is going to keep us updated on that!