A very rare find!

Our very own four leaf clover!

I guess this is our lucky day! We found a FOUR LEAF CLOVER in our yard as we were gardening today! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a real one of these in real life before, and neither has Josh. We were just finishing up with our last plant of the day (an elaeagnus silver leaf shrub). There is a boulder next to where we planted the shrub, and I thought I saw a weed next to the boulder, so I went to go pull it when I realized that it was actually a four leaf clover! I have to say, that was pretty exciting! We both felt very ‘lucky’! 🙂 I hope it’s a good sign of things to come. We could sure use it…what with all our new lanterns always going out and wires unravelling from them, and all the earthquakes we keep having (another 4.8 last night)…yes, some good luck would be GREAT!

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