Off to see the horses
While we were at Mom and Dad’s for Mother’s Day, Alyssa and Makayla wanted Josh and I to take them and Brendon on a walk to see the horses. I guess they walk there frequently with Becky, so they knew exactly where they were going. There is a huge, beautiful, private horse ranch down a couple of roads from my parents’ house. The ranch houses about 8o Arabian horses, and numerous peacocks, including some white ones. We didn’t get to see those, but we heard them!

The woman who was grooming some horses at the ranch when we just walked up (uninvited) was so friendly and gracious and didn’t even bat an eye. She must be used to seeing my neices and nephews! I’m so glad that they love to see the horses; horses were always such a huge part of my life. I’m glad to see them interested!

Poor Josh got his pinky finger chomped down on when he was feeding a horse a carrot…ouch!! It’s still pretty swollen and red with broken skin. I’m just so glad it’s still in one piece!!!

On our walk back to my parents’ house, we saw this gorgeous dog looking at us:

That dog ended up jumping out of his yard and decided to high-tail it up the road! I ended up running in front of him and grabbing him…luckily his owners knew what had happened and came right out and got him from me.

On the drive back to our house that day, Josh and I saw these gorgeous sunbeams going down in rays to the earth: