Memory Mondays – Week 9
Josh and I have been gardening so much these last few months! We’ve been planting flowers, shrubs, trees, and seeds. Yesterday while Josh was planting some jasmine along our fence by the BBQ island, I was planting some more seeds in our veggie garden. We already had planted corn, carrots, and peas from seed, so I added some more carrots, some cosmos, and some watermelons. For this week’s memory mondays post I wanted to post some old pictures from when I was around 7 or 8 years old. My parents and me and my brother and sisters had planted a big garden that included corn, giant sunflowers, watermelons, pumpkins, and so much more that I can’t remember them all. I am so thankful to my parents for getting me interested in gardening! They are such happy memories (I still remember Mom letting us pick out seed packets and buying us fun watering cans to use!), and I still love gardening to this day! It is such a thrill to see those seeds that you planted turn into sprouts and then into fruits or vegetables that you can eat!