Another peek at the nursery
Josh is so glad to be done painting! It took him a few days, and he is so sore and stiff now, …
Josh is so glad to be done painting! It took him a few days, and he is so sore and stiff now, …
Recently my Mom told me she had gotten a baptismal gown from my Grandma that had been in storage at her house for …
Josh and I went to Home Depot yesterday to buy the paint and supplies for the nursery. Before we even got pregnant, …
Yesterday morning my parents came and picked up Josh and I and we went to the theater to see Harry Potter and …
Today I had another doctor appointment for my pregnancy. I almost called and postponed it because I was having such a sick …
I was finally out and about in our yard again today for a little bit. I get very exausted so easily now, …
It’s so funny, what they say about pregnancy and weird dreams is true. I’ve had several very strange ones already so far …
(THANK YOU, LAURA, FOR ALL THESE GREAT PHOTOS YOU TOOK!!) It was so much fun to celebrate with family on the day …
I had my 18 week ultrasound today, and we found out we are HAVING A GIRL!!!!!! We are over the moon excited!!! …
This recipe comes from the back of a Campbell’s Cream of Broccoli soup can. Josh saw it the other day and thought …
I haven’t had many cravings to speak of during this pregnancy. I guess I’ve been feeling too sick to really enjoy eating …
Here is the progression of my baby bump so far! We had been so sure we would take a belly pic every …