I had my 18 week ultrasound today, and we found out we are HAVING A GIRL!!!!!! We are over the moon excited!!! We really wanted a girl, and we felt (and family and friends felt!) that we were…and now we know it’s true! Yay! They said she looks absolutely perfect and healthy! We couldn’t be happier! Thank you, God! π
That’s her femur bone in the leg under the arrow, and they are pointing at her girl parts!
It was a very interesting time when we got to the doctor…Josh and I were both nervous, because we couldn’t help already thinking of our baby as a girl, and it would be an adjustment (although a happy one!) if we found out it was a boy. When we got to the radiology desk, the first thing I noticed was this beautiful, big bouquet of pink and white flowers:
And I thought…what if that is a sign?! So I took a quick pic of it on my cell phone. π Then, just behind us, a doctor came out and called for “Lillian” (which is what we would name our daughter!)…and Josh nudged me and we looked at each other in awe…thinkingΒ that these were definitely seeming like signs! To top it off, the man behind the counter was wearing a pink and white striped shirt! Yep, they were signs!! π
Proud Papa-To-Be!!
Shadow is going to be a big sister!!