Wow, what timing!

Today I had another doctor appointment for my pregnancy. I almost called and postponed it because I was having such a sick stomach today, but I felt a little better and decided to go in to it. Josh and I drove over there and there was such a line-up of cars just waiting to get into the parking lot even! We’ve never seen it like that before. There was only about 4 minutes till my appointment time, so I had Josh just drop me off at the entrance after we saw a sign saying the parking garage was full. Poor Josh, he had no idea where he was going to park, and he wanted to be there for the appointment!

I went into the building and stood behind some people waiting to go up in one of the elevators. I was behind a girl in a blue tank top, and when she turned to press the button of the floor she wanted, I couldn’t believe my eyes!! It was my sister Laura!!! I was so happy to see her that I grabbed her shoulders from behind, and shouted “Laura?!”; I hope she wasn’t too startled at first, LOL! She turned around and shouted “Rachel!!” and everyone in the elevator just had huge smiles on their faces. I’m sure they thought they were witnessing a reunion after years of not seeing one another, when really I saw her at the celebration at Olive Garden! πŸ˜‰

I turned and explained to the interested parties “She’s my sister!” and one man said “You haven’t hugged yet!”. So we quickly rectified that and gave each other a huge hug. I couldn’t stop smiling; I just couldn’t believe the timing of running into her in the elevator at the doctor of all places! She asked where Josh was, and I told her that he had to drop me off because of the crazy parking, and she explained that she had had to park in a 5 minute loading zone and she was going to have to try to run up and have some paperwork for her son Mason signed. (I found out later they were going to make her wait too long, so she couldn’t get it done after all.) πŸ™

I walked up to my appointment with a huge smile on my face; it totally made my day to run into her in the elevator! πŸ™‚ I was hoping Josh would be able to find me before I went in to the appointment, and he was able to join me just as I was finishing signing in! (He said actually that he’d already gone back into the OB/GYN area to look for me, thinking I was already called back because he didn’t see me in the waiting room. He didn’t expect me to still be at the sign-in counter! But he was able to find me,Β thankfully!)

So I had my appointment and everything seems fine so far. Josh and I had a huge scare for a while when the doctor was trying to listen to Lily’s heartbeat. We kept waiting….and waiting….and waiting. I was getting pretty frantic, and I know Josh and I were squeezing each other’s hands so hard and having the same fears. We were so startled that there was just…NO HEARTBEAT. It was almost breaking my heart. After what felt like 5 minutes, we finally heard the sweet sound of her fast little heart pounding away! I almost sobbed with relief! Josh had tears in his eyes, too. We were just so thankful that she was still there and ok!! The doctor was less than sympathetic with our reaction, to put it mildly. Sheesh!

I’m nervous about my next appointment on February 15th. That’s when I have my glucose screening to test for gestational diabetes. I’m not looking forward to the extra-long visit, and to drinking that gross sounding drink, and to having more blood drawn. Not going to be fun at all! Not to mention I won’t rest easy until they tell me it all checks out ok, too. I guess we’ll see.

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