Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1

Yesterday morning my parents came and picked up Josh and I and we went to the theater to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1. We’ve seen all the Harry Potter movies in the theaters, but we almost missed this one! We found out it was only going to be in theaters until Thursday afternoon, so we went on the second to last day of its showing! I’ve been feeling so sick that I couldn’t even contemplate sitting in a theater for three hours, but I have been okay enough with the medication I’m on for me to feel up to it.

Mom brought red vines and raisinettes and we got popcorn and sodas. It was great to be back in a theater! We really enjoyed the movie, too. It’d been so long since we read the book that I had forgotten a lot of the things that happened. It kept me on the edge of my seat! I had remembered that most of the book was Harry and Hermione and Ron waiting around in a tent, and I wondered how that would translate in a movie…how would they make it not boring? But they did a great job. It was even a tear-jerker at parts.

I’m so glad we got to see it before it left the theater! I wish George had been able to make it, but we found out on such short notice that it was going to be leaving the theaters that he couldn’t take off work. 🙁 He says he doesn’t mind seeing it when it comes to DVD, but I feel so bad because he’d waited all this time to see it in the theaters with us!

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