So glad it’s Spring
I’m so glad it’s Spring! Especially because this is finally the season that our Lillian will be born! We can’t wait. 🙂
We love to see all the changes in the yard with this season, too! Everything is sprouting and blossoming and growing, and we get the return of a lot of the birds we don’t see all year.
Here are some pics from around the yard this Spring:
Shadow is so cute…she loves to smell our flowers!
Here are some lilies that will bloom hopefully soon:
Here is a hooded oriole:
An adorable goldfinch getting nesting material:
A white crowned sparrow:
And a few shots of a rufous hummingbird (one of our favorite types of hummer!):
(Some of these bird pics were taken through our windows, so they’re not the crispest!)
We’re just so glad it’s Spring, and we can’t wait to meet our Lily!