Lillian Eve has arrived!!!!

Since today was officially Lillian’s due date, I made a special effort to get onto the blog here. It’s been so crazy hectic around here because…..
Our little girl made her official entrance into the world on Saturday May 28th at 7:19 in the morning!!! We are so excited and happy that she’s here! We’re loving every minute of her. She’s more beautiful and amazing than we could have ever dreamed. We love her so much! 🙂 🙂
Lillian was 7 lbs 4 oz and 18 3/4 inches long. She scored 9’s on her apgars right away, and is doing wonderfully (besides a scary bout of jaundice that required readmittance to the hospital…which I will talk about in a later post when I have more time to write the details of our story.) I had an all natural birth which is what my goal was! More details later…but for now, here are a few pictures of our little angel. 🙂