Our Birth Story – Part 1

I want to get our birth story written down before I forget the details of it, so here it goes! (Sorry if some of this is TMI, just trying to keep it real!)

Here is my belly on May 25:

On Wednesday evening, May 25, I had noticed a slight discharge that was pink-tinged. I told Josh that I thought maybe I was having the bloody show. From what we’d heard, we thought that meant that labor could start anywhere from two hours to a couple weeks from seeing the bloody show…so that didn’t help us much! The next day, Thursday May 26, happened to be my weekly OBGYN appointment. I asked about the pink discharge, and she said she could test to see if my waters had broken. According to her test, they hadn’t, and she was also showing that my cervix wasn’t dilated yet and was pretty far back still.  I wasn’t too surprised, but was still slightly disappointed too. (We’d put the hospital bag in the car just in case she’d said to go on to the hospital!) She did confirm that Lillian was in a head-down position though! She sent me home with some litmus paper and said I could test it myself ever if I thought my waters had broken. (The litmus paper would turn blue-jean blue if it was amniotic fluid, she said.)

On Friday May 27 at around 6 or 7 pm, I decided on a whim to use the litmus paper test. I think I was just feeling antsy, and like something wasn’t right. I felt like things were progressing and somehow the nurse practitioner had missed it on Thursday. Lo and behold…the paper turned dark blue immediately. My heart kind-of jumped, and I thought…this is it!! I went downstairs and showed Josh the paper, and his jaw dropped, and said does that mean that your waters really did break? I said I think so! I texted my Mom and told her about it, and she said to call the nurses hotline (it was already after-hours for the OBGYN.) I called them, and they said to go on in to the hospital and go to triage. For some reason Josh and I were sort of resistant at first…like, no, this isn’t really labor…I’m not having contractions or anything…how can this be true? But we put the bag back in the car and drove the 20 minutes to the hospital. We were hungry and hadn’t had supper yet, so we were trying to decide where we’d go for dinner on our way home. We really had no idea they wouldn’t let us go home that night! 😉


To Be Continued…

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