Our growing girl

Lillian is such a wonderful gift to our family. She is so fun to be around and she is growing and changing every day! We cherish every moment. Every day past our scare we’re so grateful to God. We pray nothing like that ever happens again, but we’re having a hard time letting go of our fear for right now. Josh and I are sleeping in shifts so one of us is always watching her. Feels like when we first brought her home from the hospital! Soon we’re probably going to have to give in and both get some good sleep at night though. This is rough, living around the clock like this. SO totally worth it though when you think what the possible alternative could be. I’m sure the more time goes by the less pressing on our minds this issue will be. And of course the older and bigger she gets will help too!


Lillian’s always been so advanced and bright. We’re so happy to watch all her cute antics and hear her adorable words she’s invented. She totally knows what she’s saying, even if we don’t. She likes Ah-Goo, Ah-Boo, sometimes Aw-Woo. I heard Um-Mah today, too! She says “I” and what sounds like “hi”. She’s so fascinating to watch and listen too. And of course we love her heart-melting smiles and coos and breathy laughs.

At her two month visit Lillian was:

10 lbs. 6 oz – 30th percentile

23 1/4 inches – 8oth percentile

She is wearing a size 1 diaper, and is wearing a 0-3 month onesie. She is growing out of it fast though. This might be the last weekly photo shoot she can wear it for!

Most recently when were at the doctor for her scare this week she weighed 11 lbs. 4 oz. Keep it up baby girl!

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