Cool Cat

Here is Shadow trying on a pair of Lillian’s sunglasses…isn’t she so fashionable? She is such a sweet kitty. We are extremely happy that she seems to be handling Lillian’s arrival very well. We were so fearful that she might run and hide whenever the baby cried, but she’s surprised and impressed us with holding her ground. She will turn her ears very far backward and widen her eyes when Lillian cries loudly, but she is so sweet and sticks around. Without a doubt she knows this is the little bundle that was hanging out in my tummy that she would curl up against and purr when I was pregnant. I think she even felt Lillian’s movements through my belly. She knows Lillian is family…she knows she is part of Josh and I. We are so glad Shadow is still comfortable and happy here, if not getting the same level of attention she used to get and still deserves. We love you Shadow!

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