15 Weeks

She continues to grow and amaze us! She’s so cute and “talkative” lately. I was just reading my newsletter from Planning Family and they had an interesting article about baby vocalizations. According to former singer Priscilla Dunstan, babies use five sounds universally to express certain needs. She says these are sound reflexes and the baby relies on them for the first few months of life. Here is how she describes them:

NEH – I’m Hungry.
OWH – I’m Sleepy.
HEH – I’m experiencing discomfort.
EAIRH – I have lower gas. (I have an upset stomach)
EH – I need to burp.

We’ve heard Lillian do the NEH cry since she was born. It’s so cute! Hers sounds like Eh-NEH Eh-NEH. She doesn’t do that one very often anymore. I’m trying to figure out if we’ve heard the other ones too. I can’t quite picture how they would sound just by the phonetic spelling. I will listen more closely to Lillian’s cry patterns and see if I can distinguish these sounds!

Do your babies or did your babies make any of these sounds that you can remember?

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