The love of horses

In that picture I was a year older than Lillian is now and it looks like she’s already getting Mama’s love of horses! When she was in her bouncer today she was facing one direction, and when I left to the kitchen for a second and came back, she had somehow figured out how to rotate the chair in it to face the peek-a-boo pony on the bouncer!

I didn’t get a picture of her facing the horse, but that is what he looks like! πŸ˜‰

She was trying to grab the little blue horse’s head and was pulling and banging away at it and the little yellow fence partially hiding him. It’s like she was trying to pull him out to play with! I remembered my Mom and Dad had bought Lillian a stuffed horse toy (last Christmas when we didn’t know she was Lillian yet!). I went to the nursery and brought him out for her to play with and she was just loving him!

Even Josh liked horses when he was little! Here he is as an adorable little boy (not sure how old he is here) with his horse Trapper Keeper! (Incidentally, I had the exactΒ same Trapper Keeper too!)

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