The Halloween that wasn’t

We had so much fun dressing Lillian up for Halloween and we were going to take her trick or treating with all of her cousins and to a festival put on by our neighbors’ church. We were looking forward to showing off Lillian in her cute costume and having a fun night out. You can’t see it in the picture but I’m wearing a black and white striped mini-skirt to match Josh’s shirt. (Although my stripes were vertical.) Lillian has on striped tights, too. 🙂 Anyway, the poor baby started having a meltdown and was just crying inconsolably. She almost NEVER cries so when she does it’s a big deal to us. She cried for quite a while and nothing was seeming to settle her. Finally she settled and was able to nurse. She let us know very clearly that she didn’t want to trick or treat last night, poor baby! Before she had the meltdown we were able to snap some family pictures for her first Halloween at least. Please excuse the curly hair. I didn’t have the energy or time to either flat-iron it myself or go to my sister Becky’s salon. I prefer my hair straight!

Here is what an early Autumn morning looks like outside our house. Unrelated to Halloween, but I loved how it looked in the early morning so I thought I’d share.


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