I think she’s ready
Today I’m doing a pictureless post and linking up with Sarah at Racing Towards Joy. It sounded like just what I needed today since I didn’t take any pictures today anyway, ha ha!
I think Lillian has been trying to tell us for a while now that she’s ready to eat FOOD. We are not ready to give it to her just yet though. We want to wait until she is 6 months old. Not too much longer to wait, Lillian!
I feel so guilty every time I eat lately because she looks up at me with her big blue eyes and looks so — HURT would be the right word. I feel so badly for her. She gets a tiny little frown on her face as she watches me chew. It makes me feel like a big, mean pig to stuff my face and not ‘share’ with someone who clearly wants a bite. And I eat like a pig lately because I have to just shove food in my mouth so fast and be ready to wash my hands at a moment’s notice in case she fusses or needs me to pick her up. Poor baby!
Josh and I are really looking forward to starting Lillian on solids. But a part of me will be a tiny bit sad too. Up till now she’s only had my breast milk. I will have to ‘share’ with her other food sources soon. I know it’s a good thing, and she’ll love it and we’ll love it. But I’ll miss being her exclusive food source! Of course I plan to keep breastfeeding as long as I can though. We’ll see how this new adventure turns out real soon!