26 weeks

She’s 26 weeks old on the 26th of November! 🙂

What a cutie! She has been giving the highest pitched squeaks and squeals when something strikes her fancy or when she’s being tickled. It’s so cute that she’s just deciding when something pleases her now. We love it! She can stay sitting up completely on her own as of today. I still hover right over her, but she is so strong now!

And if you missed her other huge milestone today…check it out! First food!

It is amazing to us that she has been wearing 6-9 month sized clothing for weeks now! And sometimes 6-12 month outfits too! This outfit is size 9 month and it is one of the beautiful gifts we got from Mom and Dad the day we found out we were having a GIRL! Our wonderful precious Lillian!

FLASHBACK to January 10, 2011!


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