First food!

We’re so proud of what a big girl Lillian is becoming! Today is another double milestone day: 26 weeks old and her first taste of food!


Lillian had her first taste of FOOD today! What a milestone! She has been showing us for quite a while that she was ready to eat real food. She would reach for my plates and bowls and forks and spoons. She definitely knows what to do! We wanted to wait until she was 6 months old and this is close enough that we said “Ok, let’s go for it!” Josh built the high chair that Mom and Dad got for us and it’s sitting in the dining room now! Lillian made a happy sound when she saw it!

We bought this food:  Earth’s Best Organic Whole Grain Rice Cereal

We mixed it according to directions using 4 tablespoons of freshly pumped room temperature breast milk. Next time we may halve the amount we make and use less milk so it’s a bit more thick. We may also warm the milk first by placing the bottle in a bowl of warm water. She may not have liked the slightly cool temperature of our first attempt.


She was so interested right away! She was so proud and happy to sit in her high chair! She reached for her bowl and her spoon as soon as she saw it! Most of the spoonfuls ended up falling out of her mouth but she did swallow some and want more!

I was so excited for Lillian this morning that I had butterflies in my stomach! I knew she wanted to “eat” food for a while! A small part of me is sad that I’m not her only food source anymore, but I do realize I’m still her main food source. I will be for quite some time and that makes me happy!

“Food for fun until she’s one.” That’s what we’re going to be trying here!

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