Officially Winter
Well today was the first day of Winter, although it’s felt like Winter for a while now to me. Last December we saw bluebirds come to our little pond and we were able to get photos. This year they came back also! Here’s a photo from last year:
Last night Lillian kept gripping the side of her jungle mat (where the giraffe is) while sitting in front of it. She was trying to pull herself to a standing position! She wasn’t getting anywhere, but I helped her to stand and then she gripped the bars and held on. It was so cute! I was afraid to let go but cautiously did and WOW, she’s so strong! She stood there for a few minutes. Real wobbly, and holding on to the bars for dear life (with Mama hovering right behind her of course!) but actually standing! Our amazing girl. 🙂
Here are Lillian and Shadow all snuggled up on the couch. 🙂
A couple of days ago Lillian tried apples for the first time. She LOVED them! She ate half a jar. 🙂 She loves to grab the spoon and guide the food into her mouth. I’ve started letting go and she’ll actually put the spoon in her mouth herself! She needs me to scoop the next spoonful of course, but then she takes it from there! Tomorrow she’s going to try bananas for the first time.