7 months old

Today Lillian is SEVEN MONTHS old! It’s so exciting to us whenever the 28th of the month rolls around. What a wonderful feeling it is!

We’re so amazed by her and so proud of her in every way. She now gets on all fours in the crawl position and rocks back and forth sometimes. She doesn’t know to move her knees forward yet and she’ll collapse them and stay propped on her hands for a minute, then collapses them tooย and pulls herself inch by inch that way. ๐Ÿ™‚

Yesterday she had her first taste of pears! (Earth’s Best Organic Baby Pears Stage 1) She LOVED them. She’s just thrilled with all of the fruits she’s tried so far! She still grabs the spoon whenever we get it near her and she’ll pull it into her mouth and slurp the food off of it! Whatย a smartie!

It is so cute…she sticks her tongue out at us when we do it playfully to her (trying to make her laugh). And the most adorable thing….the other night Josh was sticking his tongue out and making an “mmmmmm” sound and then Lillian DID IT TOO! It was so adorable to see this tiny baby sticking her tongue out and going “mmmmmmm!” at her Daddy! She was all excited too, knowing she was communicating with him. She just did it for me a couple of minutes ago too!

She’s so precious and dear to us and we just love and adore absolutely everything about her!

And just to show how big she’s gotten:ย 

When she wore this hair bow for her baptism it wasย almost as large as her whole head. On her first Christmas it was so much smaller looking on her!

Oh and also, here’s the monthly comparison (besides months 1 and 2 which I didn’t get with Tigger!)

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