Today she is 35 weeks old AND 8 months old!
Today was special since Lillian turned both 35 weeks old and 8 months old! This is the first time since Lillian has …
Today was special since Lillian turned both 35 weeks old and 8 months old! This is the first time since Lillian has …
I came across this article via this post yesterday and it was perfect timing for me to read it. I have been feeling …
This recipe is so quick to just throw together and pop in the oven! It’s warm, home-cooked, easy, and tasty. Perfect! I’ve …
Lillian is 34 weeks! It’s been so amazing to see her progress and how much she wants to be on the go! …
(Image source) I read a news article that got me thinking. It was talking about all the different duties a homemaker does (for …
This weekend we took Lillian to visit her Nana, and she got to open her Christmas gifts from her! She LOVED them. 🙂 She …
Another week has gone by and Lillian is now 33 weeks old! It’s been harder and harder for me to find time …
I thought I just invented this, but upon googling it just now to make sure no one else already did ‘my’ idea, …
The first week of 2012 has been great! We started out by all of us sleeping in the front room together on …
Lillian is 32 weeks old today! It just amazes us how much and how quickly she changes these days. She is so …
I totally thought I’d already done this post! I can’t believe I haven’t posted any pictures yet from Lillian’s first Christmas. …
The new year started off beautifully for us. 🙂 We all spent the day together and enjoyed warm weather in our yard. When the …
Lillian is really loving all of her Christmas presents! I wasn’t sure at her age if she would notice new toys or …