Better late than never


I totally thought I’d already done this post! I can’t believe I haven’t posted any pictures yet from Lillian’s first Christmas.

It’s been so hard to do any blogging lately since Lillian’s become more active! I’m not complaining, I wouldn’t trade spending time with this precious little girl for anything! 🙂

So here, finally, are some pictures from Christmas day. We had a wonderful day celebrating with family!

 My parents made an excellent feast like they do every year, and Laura brought lots of homemade goodies including my Grandma’s recipe for white fudge. Love that stuff!

Everyone got Lillian wonderful gifts. (I did do that post already at least, showing Lillian playing with her presents!)

(Thanks Laura for getting all these beautiful pictures for us!)

We are so blessed to have our perfect baby girl, and so happy to have celebrated her first Christmas with her. It was a wonderful, perfect day! Lillian was able to hang out upstairs with the whole family the entire time! She never had to be taken downstairs for quiet time for nursing or anything. She was able to nap and nurse upstairs which was a first since she was a newborn on Father’s Day! Merry Christmas Lillian! We love you! 🙂

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