Lillian’s weekend
This weekend we took Lillian to visit her Nana, and she got to open her Christmas gifts from her! She LOVED them. 🙂 She had fun at Nana’s house and showed off her crawl/flop way of moving fast across the floor! Nana’s kitties (and Josh’s too, really!) Moon and Zeus weren’t sure what to make of Lillian, but they stuck around to watch which was surprising especially for Zeus!
Her presents from Nana were a leapfrog electronic book and an activity center table and an adorable dress with socks and footless tights that I can’t wait to see on Lillian!
Lillian has developed what we think is a freckle on her right index finger. We didn’t know babies this young could get them and we hope it’s ok. We’ll keep an eye on it and bring it up to her doctor at her nine month doctor visit. You can see it in the photo above.
Josh recorded the Patriots vs. Broncos game and was ecstatic the Patriots won! (I am too by default, because I support whoever he does, seeing as I never watch the games or follow it. 😛 ) It’s so cute, Josh bought Lillian a Patriots sleeper (and a Red Sox outfit too) and we put her in the sleeper for pictures with Daddy and the amazing score! Daddy was very happy. 🙂
On Sunday Lillian and I took a stroll in the yard, and while I was putting her hooded sweater on her, we had fun watching Shadow who was being so cute and crazy! Lillian is just so fascinated by her and loves her so much!
And I just LOVE this adorable sequence of shots Josh got of Lillian! 🙂