Sunshine and roses
Yes, the proverbial sunshine and roses.
There are days (like today) that are hard. Tears (mine!), exhaustion, a feeling of being down. Maybe even for no reason at all, other than the fact that you’re tired.
BUT – There are days, most days, where everything feels so right with the world.
Everything is perfect, life is a living dream. Everything I want it to be.
For example: these pictures from the other day.
These little glimpses into a perfect moment…a moment that felt like a daydream.
If you could hear the wind sighing through the branches of the huge eucalyptus…
If you could see the play of sunlight dancing through the waving fountain grass and shimmering off theย green tree leaves like shards of reflective glass…
If you could feel the breeze zipping through the screen in the open window, feel Shadow’s contentment as she lifts her nose and closes her eyes to drink in the scents of outside…
If you could feel my baby’s soft warm skin as she leans trustingly against me as she and I read a book, as she helps me flip the pages…
If you could see the time-honored and ultimately charming creatures smiling up at me from the pages of the Beatrix Potter book we’re reading
…as the sunlight glimmers and ย shinesย through the open window and theย breeze shakes the leaves and the grass…
You’d feel my contentment. My happiness. My thankfulness.