My honey

It was my Honey’s birthday yesterday! We celebrated here at home (with a quick run out to pick up Panda Express and a bakery Boston Cream Cake). I was sad that I didn’t have a chance to bake him a cake myself, but he loves the ones from the bakery too and said he didn’t mind at all. πŸ™‚

The pretty sky and trees on our drive:

Thank you Josh for everything you do for me and Lillian and for how sweet and loving and perfect and gorgeous you are! I am so blessed to callΒ you my husband!Β I’m so happy to make a day all about you…celebrating you is a favorite pastime of mine. πŸ˜‰ It is so amazing that you get to celebrate your birthday with Lillian here for the first time this year! Makes it extra special!

Here are some flowers I cut from the yard today for Josh (they are scenting up the house amMAZingly!):

And here, because I can’t resist the cuteness, are more pictures of Lillian from the other day (and of our beautiful girl Shadow too!):


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