39 weeks old
I’m glad that I’m late on posting Saturday’s weekly photo of Lillian, because now I can add another skill that Lillian learned on Saturday night! More on that below, but first things first, here’s her adorable 39 week photo from Saturday:
Lillian is laughing more than ever! She finds everything so hilarious…faces we make, sounds we make, seeing Shadow, playing chase with us, peek-a-boo, being lifted up and down in the air…she’s just so much fun! She’s getting more confident with trying to stand, also. She does better on us if we’re standing in front of her or laying on the ground in front of her, and she needs just a little bit more help on inanimate objects – except, as we found out on Saturday – for the stairs! She is amazing on the stairs! Of course we’d never let her do it unassisted but she’s incredible! She has started roaming from room to room down here and she decided she wanted to go to the stairs. Intrigued, we let her go to see what she’d do. Lillian is so smart…it’s amazing how she gets up those stairs! She crawls up to them and puts her hands and arms on the step above her, then she pulls herself to a standing position (so I wonder if this counts as the milestone ‘stands up’?) then she’ll put one knee up on the step above her and pull herself up! Then she puts her hands on the next step and pulls to stand and repeats! It’s so fun to watch (and hover – our hands are right there over and under her to prevent any tumbles!) her go upstairs under her own power!
Lillian has an adorable habit of smacking her lips when she’s concentrating or working hard at something. I just love to see and hear it! She was doing that almost the whole time going up the stairs! The other half of the time she was chattering and shrieking to Shadow who was at the top of the stairs! Too cute! 🙂