9 month doctor visit

Lillian had her 9 month well-baby checkup today (even though she’s nine and a half months old – they always delay it a bit for some reason). I was eager to hear her stats and see how everything was going for her, even though we already knew it was all great! One thing I thought would be good is the blood test to see if she is o.k. with her iron levels and zinc since she’s mainly on a breastmilkΒ diet (one 2 oz serving of pureed baby food every morning each day and the rest is all milk). I was wrong in thinking that test would be today though. The doctor told us she’d have that at her 12 month visit. So I guess I’ll have to trust that since her stats are great she’s getting enough nutrients through my milk alone.

Weight: 18 pounds 12 ounces (43rd percentile)

Length: 28 1/4 inches (66th percentile)

Head circumference: 17 inches (22nd percentile)

An interesting note, the doctor agreed with us that Lillian wasn’t the 18 3/4 inches long at birth that the nurse at the hospital claimed. πŸ™ He says it’s common for the length to be inaccurate. We were so upset to hear that! It’s in her baby book and on all the birth announcements that everyone got. He (and we) assume she was closer to the 21 inches at birth that both Josh and I were. I mean come on 18 3/4 inches long and then 2 months later she’s at 23 1/4 inches? That’s quite a growth spurt in two months, ha!

She did great at the doctor’s office, only crying a tiny bit at the nurse in the beginning. We were so afraid to take her to the doctor since so many sick kids are around right now and our doctor doesn’t separate the sick from the well. πŸ™ Oh, they have two separate doors. That are less than 3 feet apart. And the same check-in desk and exam rooms. Grrr. Anyway, we’re all praying she stays well after being exposed to all those germs. (Including one boy thatΒ puked on the ground in front of us when we were luckily back in our car.)

She doesn’t have any teeth yet. Doc said he can feel them under the gums but that they have a ways to go yet. Poor baby! πŸ™ He praised her very much, and that’s always fun to hear! We’re very blessed. πŸ™‚

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