10 months old today
Lillian hits her first double-digit month today! 10 months…wow!! It really doesn’t feel like four months ago that I was marveling that she’d hit her 6 month mark. And before I know it she’ll be hitting the one year mark! What a perfect, sweet, loving little girl she is! She’s always so happy and complacent, and she smiles so hugely and laughs so sweetly. She’s so precious and dear to us! Here’s what she’s up to:
Tonight we let her have her first piece of non-pureed food! We broke off some tiny pieces of a banana and gave it to her. I may have been over-cautious and made the pieces too small because she wasn’t even sure she was supposed to pick them up, ha ha! I showed her though and put the first one in her mouth and she mashed her little gums up and down! She wasn’t too thrilled though and only had a few tiny pieces. We’ll take it slow. Next week we’ll try an avocado!
Also in the last week her appetite has gotten bigger. She used to only eat half of a stage two jar of baby food after her morning nursing, and now she eats the whole 4 oz jar! (And still nurses afterwards!)
The last few days she’s really started cruising on the furniture! She actually takes one or two or three tiny steps and moves her arms along whatever she’s propping herself up on! She still practices standing on anything she can, also.
Lillian is so amazing…she knows how to turn on little switches, even though we never showed her how! She crawls over to her bouncy swing and pushes over the little switches on its base to turn on its music or vibration features! Then she stands up against it and dances to the music….way too cute!
She still LOVES to turn the pages in her book; still loves to crawl up the stairs. She’s still very vocal and ‘talks’ all day. 🙂 Laura and Mason came over for a visit the other day and when Lillian saw Mason it was just heart-melting! She got so excited and screeched the hugest, highest-pitched scream I’ve ever heard her do…she was so thrilled to have another little to play with. She would crawl over to him and tackle him and they’d crawl after each other. 🙂 She’s such a love bug..she loves to reach out her arms for family and give love and kisses! Such a sweetie.
Lillian has also discovered the joys of pulling open drawers! She especially loves to pull open the bottom drawer in her nursery and pull out her clothes. 🙂 She also discovered on her own how to pull out our storage baskets under the coffee table in the front room! She loves to sit there and pull her hair bows and ribbons out of them. It’s fun to watch her entertain herself that way!
As for sleeping…the time she settles down to sleep has gotten later and later since the time change. 🙁 It’s been usually 2 AM by the time I get to sleep, yet she never sleeps past 8 Am. Last night though was hopefully a breakthrough…I think she was asleep by 10pm!! My fingers are crossed for tonight…
We’re so proud of you Lillian and love you so much Sweetie!!
As you can see in the photos above, she was loving the camera lens cover! I couldn’t take it from her, and if I tried she cried! I figured I better let her have it for this photo session! 😉