47 weeks
Forty seven weeks old! Wow…I feel like I was just saying that we’re down to counting the weeks on two hands until she’s one…now we’re down to ONE hand. Time is FLYING. Our girl has two teeth now! They’re still not visible really from the front, but when you look down into her mouth you can see them:
Lillian has started grabbing onto my hands or arms when she’s standing with the help of furniture, and she’ll take one step away from the furniture towards me while holding onto me. So cute! She doesn’t do too much cruising but occasionally does.
The night before last was so miserable for all of us. Poor Lillian was just crying and screaming, and she NEVER cries. It was so heartbreaking. She was up till 4AM. Whenever I would nurse her to sleep, the slightest sound or movement would wake her up -SCREAMING! 🙁 That is so unlike our girl; we didn’t know what was going on. Her teeth had already popped through the gums so we weren’t sure it could be teething pains. But yesterday the light bulb came on in my mind, and I remembered that a few months previously we’d fed her pureed carrots and her tummy didn’t handle it very well. She had bad diarrhea yesterday, and I remembered that the two days before that she’d had pureed carrots for breakfast. 🙁 Poor girl still can’t handle them I guess so we’re taking that out of the rotation of breakfasts for her.
She still only has ‘solids’ of pureed veggies and/or fruits after her morning nursing. Occasionally we’ll give her another serving later in the day, or a frozen popsicle made from pureed prunes or pears. We did try chopping up small bits of a banana to give to her a while ago and she did enjoy it! We should do that more often for her so she gets the hang of real solid food.
Happy 47 weeks Lillian! We love you!