50 weeks
Oh my goodness…50 weeks! It’s so incredible to us that Lillian only has two more weekly photos left to do!! Josh and I feel both happy and sad about that! It’s been a part of her entire life so far, so it will be strange not to do that little routine. It will also be nice not to have to corral her and keep her still for a photo every week, too, ha ha! Mostly we’re just so darn proud of what a big girl she’s coming! (But sad too…our little baby is growing up!)
Lillian is cruising more this week, and standing with help a bit more too. She has still been eating her organic puffs (a new flavor now, too, the purple sweet potato/blueberry ones) and she’s started ‘feeding’ me while she eats too. It’s so sweet, she’ll grab some puffs, then put one in my mouth and smile real big, then she puts one in her mouth. So sweet!
She’s had her first meat this week! She started with Earth’s Best organic stage 3 Chicken and Stars and liked that, then she had Earth’s Best organic stage 3 Beef Pilaf and liked that too. What a big girl!
She loves to climb lately! I watched her climb all by herself onto a footstool the other day. She’s very brave! A little too brave…she has a habit of throwing herself backwards when she’s really excited and playful and it’s terrifying for Josh and I. We are trying to curb that without too much success so far.
Lillian has unfortunately started biting me while nursing. 🙁 I know she isn’t trying to be mean at all…she thinks it’s a game. I can’t help but yell out NO when she does this…it is EXTREMELY painful. She looked startled and cried the first time I reacted that way, but sadly she now thinks it’s a game. I keep saying NO and DON’T when she does it so hopefully she’ll give up. I won’t stop nursing her. But I don’t want it to become something I’m afraid of or dread doing. 🙁 Thankfully she only does it when she’s in a playful or cranky mood so hopefully I can see it coming…
Our little girl has such a sweet personality and such an infectious laugh and giggle! We love to discover things that make her laugh and that appeal to her sense of humor. She laughs when she grabs our noses, or when we dance with made up silly songs and moves.
We love you so much Lillian!