Bags of Love

When I received my order from the UK-based company Bags of Love I was thrilled! From my first visit to their website I ascertained that what they sell is right up my alley. 🙂 I am a sucker for customizable and/or personalized things!

It was so much fun to choose what to personalize! They have so many different items, including canvas prints, pillows, blankets, calandars, handbags, and much more. I ended up choosing the small baby box. It’s quite a bit smaller than a shoebox, and will hold photos, small books, baby shoes or an outfit…anything like that! Of course it doesn’t have to be a baby memento box either! You can use it for any purpose! In fact I may order another soon, with Josh and I on the cover, to save our love letters and cards and ticket stubs we’ve been saving over the years 🙂

The box was made and shipped to me incredibly fast! The quality of the box is outstanding! (And they make everything there by hand!!) It is very well made and a keepsake for sure. I’m sure it was described this way and I just didn’t realize, but one thing that surprised me was that the box is covered with a velvet-type fabric, so the picture is (literally) fuzzy! Not blurry, but printed on fuzz! It surprised me, but doesn’t diminish the quality of the box in my opinion. In fact it makes it rather unique! The inside is lined in a wonderful microsuede texture. You can choose from a variety of colors to line the box, and outside panels.


I love this box! I’m thrilled to have it, and excited to be able to tell you about a company that I’d never heard of before, but will certainly keep in mind for any future personalized items I want!

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