16 months old
Today Lillian turns 16 months old. It is astounding to realize that everyone who tells you when you become a parent “it goes so fast…enjoy it” ISN’T JUST SAYING THAT. Ha ha. Yep, it’s true. The older they get the faster time goes. Strange. Our beautiful and brilliant girl is such a wonder, such a blessing. I really couldn’t possibly say everything in one blog post about how much she’s learning and changing every day. But just to list a few:
She knows concepts like “light” and “dark” and tells us it’s dark when we turn out a light, or she’ll request “dark” so we turn off a light to show her. She says “black” and “grey” now in addition to all the other colors she recognizes too.
She does somersaults. Scary! But immensely adorable to watch. π She’s a bundle of energy.
She dances and sways with her own adorable rhythm. She almost looks like a hula girl sometimes with her sideways moves!
She takes off her own diaper (pulls off one side of the tape and pulls the diaper down and steps out of the other leg) at bath time and tries to climb into our (super tall) tub herself. π
She sometimes only takes one nap a day now. Still does two a day on occasion though (like right now).
She’s still a great eater and has a wide range of favorites.
We have no idea how but she learned what mermaids and turtles are and says them any and every time she sees one in a book or on pj’sΒ or sees our turtle dish on our bbq outside. SO COOL!
The way she says “Turtle” and “Purple” are too cute for words. It cracks us up every time. She forcefully blows air out her closed lips “PPP PPP” for purple, and “TuTTΒ TTT” she rattles strongly behind her teeth for turtle. π LOVE it.
She is starting to say “r” in words. Says “Bear” and sounds like “bay-oo”. Melts myΒ heart. π
She grabs our elbows and says “bo bo”. Love that she’s trying to learn all the body parts. π
We love you baby girl! You’re perfect in every way!
For comparison: Here is Lillian today, and here is Lillian on this day one year ago!