21 months
You’re 21 months old Lillian! That sounds just around the corner from 2 years old…but with this pregnancy, every day crawls by because of my complete nausea. So three months away simultaneously feels like an eternity from now and the blink of an eye. Strange!
You are completely incredible to us, Lillian. I know parents brag about their children, but really, we don’t even have to brag…we just state the facts! You’re so brilliant and beautiful and sweet. You astound us with your intelligence. I wish I could remember and write down here all the things that you’ve done to blow us away, but I couldn’t write them all anyway…you just know TOO MUCH!!
Not only do you count to ten on your own, you’ve even started counting to thirteen on your own. You’ll just do it while you’re talking to yourself and playing with your figures. You love to “play figures” as you call it. Your figures are the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse residents. You love to place them in a bucket then dump them out and do it all over! You also love to “help figures-dolls” when you do the same, but with vintage Strawberry Shortcake miniature figures. You’re so much fun to watch and play with!
You not only know “bird” or “duck” or “chicken”, sure lots of babies know that…you even know different KINDS of birds! You’ve known and been able to identify (even from the sound of them) crows since you were 15 months old. You also identify and say “hummingbird”, “hawk”, and “woo-kedder” (how you adorably say “woodpecker”). Just seeing them in the yard, you’ll tell us which bird they are. We are so proud of you! (Speaking of reversing syllables…it’s also adorable how you say teddy bear – “tehΒ behΒ derr” too cute!!)
For a few months now you’ve also played with your toy thermometer (and also an old cell phone car charger) taking your, mama’s, dada’s, and your dolls and stuffed animals temperatures. You’ll hold it up to our ears, and you always say “BEEP…Ninety-Four.” We have no idea where you came up with ninety four, but it’s so close to what a real temperature would say. You’re just brilliant! Also, you love to step on the scale in the master bathroom, and for some reason you always say “ninety pounds” when you step on it! How you even knew about pounds is beyond us…
Anyway, those are some of the fun things I can recall off the top of my head right now. You just keep growing in beauty and intelligence. You’re so fun, Lillian, and we’re so proud of you! We love you!