22 months
Lillian is 22 months old! In just two months she’ll be 2 years old…wow! She is 35 inches tall and 26 pounds. (Although whenever she steps on the scale – which she loves to do, lol! – she declares she is “Ninety pounds” ha ha!) We just put up her growth chart today and measured her so that’s how we know she’s 35 inches tall.
Lillian counts to 15 on her own now, and sings many songs even following the melody correctly. It’s too cute to hear her sweet voice crooning away! She’s even started singing her ABCs even though she only goes to D, and then sings the last sentences (now I know my…etc.)
Lillian has such energy and bravery and exuberance. We love to see her jump in the air – both of her feet even leave the ground! She loves to climb her slide and even goes down it head first sometimes, yikes! She just grows in beauty and intelligence every day!