23 months old


It’s so strange to think this is the second to last monthly photo with Tigger we will be doing with Lillian! Just too amazing that she’ll be two years old in a month. A MONTH?! Wow!!

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I must say, 22 months has had a lot of challenges…but only at supper/bath/bed time. The rest of the time (well, besides starting to fight her daily nap this month…) she’s been the same sweet happy bubbly personality that we know. 🙂 Maybe I will write a separate post about the night struggles we have been going through…poor Lillian has been having really rough nights.

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Lillian is seriously blowing our minds with how articulate and intelligent she is. I know all parents brag about their kids, and this just comes off the same.

But really…I mean REALLY she is amazing! She speaks in full sentences. She tells us her emotions and state of mind; for example: “I’m hungry…I want a snack. I want these.” (And she pulls the french fried onions out of the cupboard.

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Or she’ll say “I’m so excited!” And jump up and down if we tell her something that strikes her fancy!

Or (ha ha we need to be careful with this one…) she will see something she wants (for example on the back of her ‘Goodnight Moon’ book there is an ad for a companion book ‘My World’) she will point to it and say “want it…Dada (or Mama) order it…UPS bring it!” ha ha oh my! And then she won’t forget AT ALL until we order it and it comes! Every day she will say “UPS bring ‘My World’ (or whatever she ‘ordered’)” and then when it comes she will be so excited her mouth will form an “O” shape and she’ll clap and say “So excited” or sometimes “are you kidding?!”

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If she’s lost a toy, we help her find it “Pluto…where ARE youuuuu?” “Oh IS!!!!” when she finds it! Or if we find it, she gets so excited and sometimes will say “Best day ever!!” (One of her princesses in her castle says that line and Lillian says it sometimes too, in appropriate settings!

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The other day Lillian was eating a burger, and when she was halfway through it, I asked her “Lillian do you want a bite of your apple slice?” and I offered it to her. She cocked her head to the side and said “Hmmmm….I think about it.” And that was her polite refusal at the moment. Ha ha! So sweet and smart.

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She’s super outgoing and friendly. When we went to the park a few days ago, she saw a few little girls her age. She walks right up to them waving and saying “Hi!” and she’ll go right up and give them a huge hug! They hardly know how to react. I feel bad…she’s so darn friendly! I can NOT wait till Gabriel is here and they can interact and Lillian can have her best buddy around all the time!

Lillian, Mama and Dada are so very proud of you and we are just thrilled with the amazing little girl you are becoming! You’re getting so tall and you are just changing daily! You’re such a beautiful girl, inside and out! We love you so much!

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