
I’m a little late in joining in this wonderful idea, but it’s early enough in the year still that I can do one make-up post here, and then post one a week for the whole year.

Jodi at Che and Fidel had a great idea of taking a portait of her children, once a week, for a year. Her blog is stunningly beautiful…she takes wonderful photos!

I had tried doing a 365 day photo-a-day project back in 2011 and I didn’t finish the year! This weekly photo will be much easier to keep up with…I hope I can. I will love to make a photo book at the end of the year with these weekly portraits!

These photos are taken by either Josh or I – the better ones are by him, lol!


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There! We are all caught up for the year. Look for a new portrait next week!

Click on this image that will be on my blog sidebar to see all the posts showing the weekly portraits:



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