Thoughts on this blog…
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and praying lately about this blog. For a while it hasn’t felt right with me to share so many personal things about my family. I realize that this blog had started as a way to have a personal journal of what’s going on in the family, and it would be a fun thing to look back on some day in the future. It’s like keeping a diary in a way. Not so much about private thoughts…but about what we did and thought and experienced on a day to day basis. I still think that’s a valuable asset for a family…but how much am I willing to share with strangers?
And PLEASE don’t get me wrong…all the ‘strangers’ I’ve met through this blog, and everyone who comments on this blog…I appreciate each and every one of you for visiting and chatting. I don’t think of YOU as strangers…you are the fellow moms/bloggers who make blogging into a fun and caring community. I value you. But it’s the ones that DON’T comment…the ones who I’m not sure what they want or why they’re here looking at photos of my family that make me very uncomfortable. For example, not too long ago I saw some searches on my blog that had me EXTREMELY nervous. I’m not going to go into it here…but suffice to say it was something that is absolutely NONE of anyone’s business…let alone a stranger’s.
So where am I going with this? After much thought/prayer, I’ve decided that I’m cutting down on the personal posts. As you may have noticed, I’ve only been posting the 52 projects lately. That’s partially because of what I’m feeling now, and partially because of LACK OF TIME, ha ha. But I’ve decided that I will continue the 52 project to the end of the year. I want to see it to completion, and I want Gabriel to get to be a part of it after he’s joined us this summer! I will do Lillian’s final monthly post when she’s 24 months. I will do weekly/monthly posts of Gabriel when he’s born. But will I keep them private? I haven’t fully decided that yet.
But the important part is, I’m taking the focus of this blog off of us PERSONALLY as a family. I will be eventually steering it into the direction of a helpful parenting/family/homemaking blog. I know there are a ton out there like that, and mine won’t particularly stand out, but I’m not out to be in the limelight. I just enjoy writing and sharing ideas. I enjoy meeting other like-minded mamas/wives.
The funny thing is, my decision is coming at a time when I’ve just been honored by They listed Our Havenhill as one of the top 100 baby related blogs to follow in 2013! So thanks, folks at couponaudit, for your vote of confidence 😉 Below is a screencap of their infographic:
So the bottom line? Expect to see a gradual shift on post direction. Less posts about just “us” and what we’re doing. More on things like healthy eating, good food for kids, fun things to do with a family, etc. More things like that. Expect to see most of my previous posts turn private. I will of course keep the recipes and things like that public. This will be a slow process, so bear with me. Of course, I might not make much progress at all, and this blog might just limp along for quite a while before either giving up the ghost or turning into something resourceful. After all, there’s only so much time I’ll have once I have a toddler AND a newborn! 😉
Thanks everyone for being a part of this journey with me. If you don’t want to stick around for the future changes, I understand. If you do want to, then I thank you for your support and understanding!