Update on the tadpoles

We had kept our tadpoles in the little screen pocket in the pond for weeks until they got big enough to where we thought the goldfish wouldn’t be able to eat them…and then about a week and a half ago we decided to let them loose in our pond. We took a couple of pictures as we were raising the screen netting out of the water, so we could see how they’re developing. It’s a good thing we did, because we haven’t seen them since. 🙁 I’m fairly sure they’re still in the pond somewhere, but they are REALLY good at hiding and blending in. Even when they were in the little tiny screen pocket I’d made I would go days and days without even spotting them once. We don’t know what happened to three of them, because when we released them into the pond, only three large tadpoles (with all four legs already!) came out. They might have eaten the other, smaller three. One day soon I hope to see a little frog sitting on a rock in our pond; or better yet, to hear the frogs at night.