Our baby is one year old!!
Dearest Lillian, as I write this you are sleeping on my lap, having drifted off to sleep for the night while nursing. …
A photo of Lillian every week until she is one year old!
Dearest Lillian, as I write this you are sleeping on my lap, having drifted off to sleep for the night while nursing. …
Well here we are at 52 weeks!! It’s so incredible to us to look back and see how our baby girl looked …
Oh Lillian, you’re too cute and sweet and smart!! Your Daddy and I are sure going to miss these weekly photo shoots …
Oh my goodness…50 weeks! It’s so incredible to us that Lillian only has two more weekly photos left to do!! Josh and …
Oh my goodness does time march on. Each week since Lillian was about ten months old is going by faster than the …
Again we have a rare Saturday where she turns both a new week and a new month! Lillian is 48 weeks old …
Forty seven weeks old! Wow…I feel like I was just saying that we’re down to counting the weeks on two hands until …
Yesterday Lillian turned 46 weeks old! Some news…. She has her first tooth!! It popped through her gums the day after Easter! …
The weeks go marching on… it’s embarrassing that the last post I put on the blog was her 44 week update. (Hangs …
I’m late on posting Lillian’s 44 week photo, even though we did get to take the picture on Saturday. Again Josh had to …
Lillian hits her first double-digit month today! 10 months…wow!! It really doesn’t feel like four months ago that I was marveling that …
43 weeks today! It’s 11:00pm and I’m finally getting a couple of minutes to post this today, but I may be needed at …
Lillian is 42 weeks old today. Do you realize what that means? It means that we’re down to counting on both hands …
Lillian is still doing very well with everything she does! She crawls so fast and pulls herself to stand on the furniture …
Today Lillian is 40 weeks old! This always seemed like such a milestone to me when Lillian was just a few weeks old. …
I’m glad that I’m late on posting Saturday’s weekly photo of Lillian, because now I can add another skill that Lillian learned …
Thirty Eight weeks! This is a big one for us, because I was 38 weeks and 3 days pregnant when Lillian was …
You’re 37 weeks dear Lillian! You’re doing so wonderfully in every aspect of your development! You babble constantly (dada, mama, dado for …
Another week has FLOWN by. The days all just blur together it seems, and another Saturday is upon us. I look forward …
Today was special since Lillian turned both 35 weeks old and 8 months old! This is the first time since Lillian has …