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Author Topic: Hi everyone!
Posts: 4
Post Hi everyone!
on: July 28, 2013, 12:34

Hi, it's Rachel here. I just want to welcome everybody and say hello!
A bit about me:
I'm a happy wife to an amazing man, my soul mate! I have a perfect little girl who just turned 26 months old today, and I'm nine months pregnant with our little boy who we are so eager to meet!
I haven't had any caffeine for three years or more...and I dream of the day when I can guzzle a Dr. Pepper or a Cherry Coke if I want, ha ha! Although since being un-addicted to soda it IS less appealing...but I am sure I will want to indulge occasionally. Same with coffee...I miss it! And the occasional alcohol sounds fun too. I would never trade my extended breastfeeding though...I know it's one of the best things I can do to give my children a great start in life!
I'm a former bass player in a goth/rock band (oh, eons ago...) and that's how hubby and I met and fell in love...he had his own goth/rock band as well. We used to enjoy watching tv shows and movies together, and one day we will get to again! We can't wait to watch them with our children too.
We are a family of readers. We love books! I also love photography, family history, finding fun new recipes to try, and animals. i'm a former equestrian (Hunter/Jumper) and think it might be fun to ride again someday, or maybe watch my children compete in shows too.
I'm not at a point in my life at this moment where I can devote time to creating things (other than my beautiful, miraculous things I'll EVER create!) but it's my hope that in the future I can MAKE things with my sewing dolls, or making homemade soaps, or painting...anything like that.
We are a Christian family who believes in the power of prayer and faith.
We are on a journey to cleaner eating and living.
I am so proud of my family and so happy with my blessings!

Hi, I'm Rachel, the maven of the haven. 🙂
Wife to Josh, mama to Lillian and Gabriel.

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