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Author Topic: Breastfeeding throughout pregnancy
Posts: 4
Post Breastfeeding throughout pregnancy
on: August 2, 2013, 13:17

I know I wrote a post on the blog about breastfeeding while pregnant ( but I wanted to give a quick update on my situation. I'm still nursing Lillian multiple times a day (on demand) and on demand throughout the night. Plus, it's the only way she knows how to fall asleep too. :/
I'm finding that in the third trimester it has gotten even HARDER to stand the sensations while nursing. Her teeth and hands (her hands are usually in motion, actively playing with my breast around the nipple) are almost too much for me to bear. I sometimes have to gently hold her hands so they won't play with my breast. It's so hard to describe. It's pain, certainly, but it's more than that too. It's like it's just too much. I sometimes feel like I have fluttery hands all over me at once even though it's just my sweet little daughter's hands. I am certainly looking forward to being done with pregnancy, and I can nurse both my babies in (relative) comfort and peace!

Hi, I'm Rachel, the maven of the haven. 🙂
Wife to Josh, mama to Lillian and Gabriel.

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