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pregnancy, Page 3

gown 01

An heirloom for Lillian

Recently my Mom told me she had gotten a baptismal gown from my Grandma that had been in storage at her house for …


Wow, what timing!

Today I had another doctor appointment for my pregnancy. I almost called and postponed it because I was having such a sick …


It’s so funny, what they say about pregnancy and weird dreams is true. I’ve had several very strange ones already so far …

josh and rachel

Celebration at Olive Garden

(THANK YOU, LAURA, FOR ALL THESE GREAT PHOTOS YOU TOOK!!) It was so much fun to celebrate with family on the day …

it's a girl balloon


I had my 18 week ultrasound today, and we found out we are HAVING A GIRL!!!!!! We are over the moon excited!!! …


Apples and Lemons

I haven’t had many cravings to speak of during this pregnancy. I guess I’ve been feeling too sick to really enjoy eating …

christmas bump

Some bump progress

Here is the progression of my baby bump so far! We had been so sure we would take a belly pic every …

baby 10weeks5days

We’re having a baby!!!

So, this is my big news…and why I haven’t been feeling up to blogging (or doing anything, actually) lately! Josh and I …