“A portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2013.” Lillian: Looking adorable in her Patriots cheerleader uniform! There were …
“A portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2013.” Lillian: Looking adorable in her Patriots cheerleader uniform! There were …
Is it pretty pathetic that I’m daydreaming about Summertime when we’ve barely gotten into the heart of Winter? Well I can’t help …
We took Lillian to the beach for the first time this week! I had been looking forward to that experience for so …
Butter Mint Ice Cream INGREDIENTS: 2 cups heavy cream 1 (14 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk 1 tablespoon butter, melted 1/2 …
The scrub jays have really come to know that we leave peanuts out for them. When we forget to toss a handful …
I had seen that our peaches were ripening a while ago, and I remembered to go check on them today. I was able …
Our family got together on Sunday July 3 for our Independence Day bbq celebration. It was Lillian’s first holiday (besides Father’s Day), …
Laura wanted to brush up on her (already excellent!) photo skills, so she called us up on Thursday and asked if we …
Last Saturday we went to the Bay. It was the last weekend in August, so it should have been really hot still, …
A couple of weeks ago, Josh and I decided to go to the rodeo near us. While taking the photos, we realized …
I really haven’t been motivated to blog lately, but I figured over the next couple of days I’d finally post what we’ve …
On Thursday we had Brett, Laura, Mason, and Grandma over to our house. We ordered burgers for delivery from Uncle Kelly’s friend …
We want to wish everyone a very happy Independence Day! We’re looking forward to having family over for the BBQ and pool …
Happy first day of Summer! Summer is always such a fun time of year. It always brings to mind memories of being …