Wild Parrots
There have been wild parrots in this area, and near where my parents live, too, for a very long time. They have their …
There have been wild parrots in this area, and near where my parents live, too, for a very long time. They have their …
I love this time of year! Fall/Autumn is usually not too hot and not too cold; perfect weather for gardening in, and …
Prior to our landscaping breaking ground last summer, we had a great new wildlife sighting: hosting a family of squirrels in our backyard. We …
Whew! Finally got this monster of a post out…I hope it doesn’t take forever to load on anyone’s computer…sorry about that! …
Josh and I have been gardening so much these last few months! We’ve been planting flowers, shrubs, trees, and seeds. Yesterday while …
Lately the scrub jays that frequent our yard have been flying over us and scolding us if we don’t leave out peanuts …
We had kept our tadpoles in the little screen pocket in the pond for weeks until they got big enough to where …
These are some of my favorite photos that we took of our beautiful gray cat Shadow in April 2007. She is such a big part of …
Yesterday we went to Petsmart again and bought some more creatures to add to our menagerie. Somehow or other, a few of our …
As of tomorrow, Josh and I will have been together for eight amazing years…the last 3 1/2 of those we’ve been very …
I guess this is our lucky day! We found a FOUR LEAF CLOVER in our yard as we were gardening today! I …
We finally succeeded in finding tadpoles to import to our frog pond! I guess we couldn’t officially call it a “frog” …
Today was spent outside planting, yet again. We had a break for a couple of days this week due to the rain, …
I guess it’s getting to be that time of year again…rattlesnake season. Yikes. Josh and I had been out all day again, …
Well, we had a great Easter, despite it being the smallest family group we’ve had ever I think, and despite the huge …
Here is a photo of a nest that a pair of house finches are building in our fire alarm. So cute! Today …
Here is the first fruit we’ve picked and eaten! One little strawberry! It was good; maybe a little tart. I probably should have …
We have been busy most days with planting, planting, and more planting…and we’re still not done yet! Today we planted our Avocado …
My sister Laura brought her son Mason over to our house today to do an Easter photo shoot with him! He is …
Yesterday Josh and I went to Petsmart and had a sample of our pond water analyzed. They said everything was in the …